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Returning from Rio, elite coach development manager for British swimming, Nigel Redman, the motivational speaker and former British Lion, is in high demand to impart his insights for a successful winning team.  Appointed in readiness for the Olympics, Nigel has helped transform british swimming -...

Ultimate triathlete, James Ketchell, is due to depart on his next adventure rowing solo and unsupported around GB tomorrow - Saturday 25th June, from London's St Katherine'd Dock at 5 pm.   James' multiple challenges include becoming the first British person to complete the extreme...

Liz Bonnin presents, `Should We Close Our Zoos?' this Sunday, 17th April at 9 pm on BBC2.  The programme has been rated an "excellent, troubling film" by the Radio Times   In addition to being a respected international biochemist, wild animal biologist and presenter, Liz...