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Learning Disability Week 2024: Promoting Diversity and Inclusion

Learning Disability Week 2024: Promoting Diversity and Inclusion

As part of our ongoing commitment to promoting diversity and inclusivity at The Right Address, we are proud to highlight Mencap’s Learning Disability Week 2024. This year it is focused on the subject “Do you see me?” and runs from June 17–23 this year. The purpose of the week is to recognise and honour the accomplishments of those who have learning difficulties.

The Significance of Diversity and Inclusion

Promoting creativity and development requires embracing variety and inclusiveness. To give the best answers to the problems we confront, we need to hear from everyone, including those who have learning impairments.

Learning Disability Week: “Do you see me?”

DO YOU SEE ME stamp with icon NEW

Learning Disability Week 2024 is all about making sure people with learning disabilities are seen and heard. Each day of the week addresses a different aspect of inclusion, from understanding and working with individuals with learning disabilities to supporting and hearing them.

Themes for the Week

  • Monday, June 17: “Do you see me?”
  • Tuesday, June 18: “The things I say make sense to you, don’t they?”
  • Wednesday, June 19: “Can You Have My Back?”
  • Thursday, June 20: “Can You Hear Me?”
  • Friday, June 21: “Do You See Me?”
  • Saturday, June 22: “Have My Back?”
  • Sunday, June 23: Summary of the week

Carers as Part of the Workforce

Many employees in various companies also serve as carers for people with learning disabilities. These caregivers serve a critical function in supporting their loved ones and their experiences are often a good starting point to explore workplace inclusiveness. Companies can further diversity and inclusion efforts by recognising and enabling these caregivers.

Get Involved

Why not get involved in Learning Disability Week from your own front room? You can get involved by:

  • Raise Awareness: Post Mencap’s resources on your social media. Include diversity and inclusion speakers in your upcoming events to promote the subject.
  • Learn: Find out what people with learning disabilities struggle with.
  • Back Campaigns: Donate or volunteer with charities like Mencap.

By recognising Learning Disability Week and amplifying a variety of voices, we can all work together to create a more equitable world. To find out more, take a look at Mencap Learning Disability Week.

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